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News of the Day ... In Perspective01/03/2006Pentagon concealed 20,000 hospitalizations related to anthrax vaccine Despite repeated promises that such cases would be publicly disclosed, the Pentagon reportedly never told Congress about 20,000 hospitalizations involving troops who had taken the anthrax vaccine. �Instead, a parade of generals and Defense Department officials told Congress and the public that fewer than 100 people were hospitalized or became seriously ill after receiving the shot from 1998 through 2000,� reported Bob Evans (Daily Press, Newport News, VA). They also showed Congress written policies requiring public reports on hospitalizations and cases in which someone missed 24 hours or more of duty, Evans continued. The Daily Press uncovered three cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that the military hadn�t reported. Col. John Grabenstein, director of the military�s vaccine agency, said no one from the military intentionally misled Congress. Although 20,765 hospitalizations followed the vaccine in time, there was �no documented cause-and-effect relationship.� Quarterly reviews of the vaccine�s effects ended in 2002, just after the only manufacturer regained its license. Since then, more than a million troops were required to take the vaccine, until a federal judge ruled that the vaccine had never been adequately licensed. The Pentagon appealed the ruling that the vaccine must be voluntary. A decision is expected in February. Additional information: Israel develops improved anthrax vaccine based on deamidation research. Access to Energy, September 2005. Back issues available from AtE, PO Box 1250, Cave Junction, OR 975323. �Court renders military forced anthrax vaccination program illegal,� News of the Day, Oct 28, 2004. �The Anthrax Vaccine Controversy�Questions about Its Efficacy, Safety, Strategy� by GL Nicolson, M Nass, NL Nicolson, Medical Sentinel, May/June 2000 AAPS Testimony on Anthrax Immunization Program, Apr 1, 1999