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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
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Model Resolutions

Re: Government Imposed Universal Health Coverage

Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians

by Glenn Dewberry, M.D.

WHEREAS: The AAFP is developing a proposal for insuring health coverage for all Americans and has requested input from state affiliates; and

WHEREAS: Oklahoma physicians have gained valuable experience in specific strategies in health care reform as a result of the enactment of a Medicaid managed care program in our state in the mid 1990s; and

WHEREAS: Oklahoma family physicians want to see all Americans covered with health insurance in such a way that preserves the quality of health care services that Americans have come to expect,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the OAFP does not support the strategy of achieving universal health coverage through a government agency that would have the authority to determine a benefits package, set reimbursement rates, and perform the regulatory duties of overseeing the program, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the OAFP does not support the strategy of achieving universal coverage of a set number of uninsured (44 million) persons by a set amount of funds ($46 billion), which would necessitate that such a governmental agency overseeing the program contract with health maintenance organizations to provide health services contained within the benefits package, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the OAFP does not support the strategy of achieving universal coverage by implementing a payroll tax.