1601 N. Tucson Blvd. Suite 9
Tucson, AZ 85716-3450
Phone: (800) 635-1196
Hotline: (800) 419-4777
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
Omnia pro aegroto

April 28, 2000

The Honorable Janet Reno
Attorney General
United States Department of Justice
Constitution & 10th St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Attorney General Reno:

We are extremely concerned about Elian Gonzalez's physical and emotional well- being. Based on the experience of the past two weeks, we're not confident that the glowing reports from anonymous government doctors of the boy's easy adjustment following a traumatic seizure at gunpoint are indeed, unbiased, or for that matter, first-hand observations.

We are appalled that the Department of Justice and the INS may have relied on the armchair diagnosis of an unqualified Administration operative, Dr. Irwin Redlener, in making the decision to go ahead with a frightening raid in the dark

We cannot tolerate the specter of any more physicians putting their political or professional interests ahead of the safety of this child. If there is any more conflict-of-interest apparent on the medical and psychological team, we need to know. The government should make immediate, full disclosure of the names and curriculum vitae.

This important case demands to be attended by unbiased experts, and Elian deserves hands-on treatment, not more armchair diagnosis for propaganda purposes.


Executive Director

cc: Eric Holder

April 28, 2000

The Honorable Doris Meissner
United States Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services
425 Eye St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20536

Dear Commissioner Meissner:

We are extremely concerned about Elian Gonzalez's physical and emotional well-being. Based on the experience of the past two weeks, we're not confident that the glowing reports from anonymous government doctors of the boy's easy adjustment following a traumatic seizure at gunpoint are indeed, unbiased, or for that matter, first-hand observations.

We are appalled that the Department of Justice and the INS may have relied on the armchair diagnosis of an unqualified Administration operative, Dr. Irwin Redlener, in making the decision to go ahead with a frightening raid in the dark

We cannot tolerate the specter of any more physicians putting their political or professional interests ahead of the safety of this child. If there is any more conflict-of-interest apparent on the medical and psychological team, we need to know. The government should make immediate, full disclosure of the names and curriculum vitae.

This important case demands to be attended by unbiased experts, and Elian deserves hands-on treatment, not more armchair diagnosis for propaganda purposes.


Executive Director