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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
Omnia pro aegroto




Dr. Laura, G. Gordon Liddy & others post our action alert telling

Senate to “JUST SAY NO!” to universal psychiatric screening & drugging children


The alert and emails sent out by AAPS and YOU are creating a stir.  Congress will meet through Saturday, then recess until after the holidays.  We keep you posted on the status of the bill.


But in the meantime, we thought you might like to read just a few of the media accounts prompted by our mutual efforts. 


Click here to read news story from NewsMax.com.


G. Gordon Liddy radio show



Dr. Laura radio show:



CNS News:


The Coming of the Psychotherapeutic State?
By Stephen M. Lilienthal and Michael D. Ostrolenk, AAPS Director of Government Affairs
CNSNews.com Commentary
October 20, 2004

What role should the federal government play in promoting mental health? This topic will be debated increasingly within the coming year.

The presidentially appointed New Freedoms Commission on Mental Health issued a report in July 2003 urging enactment of widespread screening for children to identify and treat mental illnesses. Defenders of constitutional liberties have good reason to be very skeptical of at least one objective….


To read the rest of the story:



If you haven’t done so already, call your Senators plus the four listed below and ask them to make sure the omnibus spending bill or final committee report on Labor/HHS appropriations includes the following language: 


“None of the funds made available for State incentive grants for transformation should be used for any programs of mandatory or universal mental-health screening that performs mental-health screening on anyone under 18 years of age without the express, written permission of the parents or legal guardians of each individual involved.”


The main Congressional switchboard is (202) 224-3121. PLEASE CALL BY FRIDAY!


Sen. Spector  (R-PA)          202-224-4254,

Sen. Stevens (R-AK)           202-224-3004

Sen. Harkin    (D-IA)            202 224-3254

Sen. Frist       (R-TN)           202-224-3344